It’s time for another beauty DIY, and since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I thought it’d be a great time to break out our favorite holiday sides and use them to their full potential. Two of my personal favorite holiday foods, cranberries and sweet potatoes, are loaded with beauty benefits and I’ve got the perfect pick-me-up for dry, dull winter skin.

thanksgiving dinner face mask {image via}

What You’ll Need (and Why):


(1/2 cup processed or blended to pulp). This berries are rich in antioxidants, and vitamins C and B. They are a quadruple threat, boasting anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, brightening, AND softening properties which help skin really glow.

Sweet potato

(1/2 cup steamed) This delicious veggie is high in vitamin A, which not only keeps skin healthy and glowing, but helps boost collagen and elastin production, which will improve skin’s elasticity.

1 tbsp honey

Honey is a regular in my DIY masks, as it contains natural healing moisture, which won’t clog up or pollute pores.

1 tsp organic yogurt

Another facial feature, plain organic yogurt is loaded with anti-bacterial cultures which help to clear any build-up, make-up, and excess oils. These cultures also help to treat and heal acne.

1 tbsp coarse brown sugar

The coarseness of this sugar works well on dull skin to remove dead skin cells. If you have sensitive skin, I recommend skipping this ingredient.

How-To Make:

First start by mashing up the sweet potato with the honey in a small bowl. Add the processed cranberries (which should be more like a juicy pulp at this point). Lastly, add the yogurt and sugar and mix until smooth. Apply mask to face and neck and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. You’ll be surprised by how bright and smooth your skin will look and feel!

Another easy way to use household items to make a name brand quality product, but without the chemicals or the costs. This whole at home facial thing is really up my alley, what do you think?

Have any beauty issues you’d like to deal with DIY style? Comment yours and we’ll pick one to create a DIY treatment!




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