Waiting and wishing for the perfect Valentine’s Day this year? I hope you’re planning on more than indulging in chocolate truffles and conversation hearts! Whether you’re coupled up or riding solo this V-Day, it’s the perfect chance to rock a cute and flirty mani! Break out your reds, pinks, hearts and sparkles, and with little creativity, you’ll have a romantic manicure that will have all your friends swooning a “Be Mine” <3!
So we all know the classic red manicure is always beautiful, but I think Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to shake things up a bit. So we searched the internet for some easy DIY’s for your digits!
1. Pink & Gold. This is similar to what Tracy Reese showed at this past NYFW. And, it’s something you can totally do free hand. Check out how Ivana Thinks Pink pulled it off! She did a video tutorial so stealing the looks is easy breezy!
2. Do Dots. To achieve dots on your digits, simply apply a base coat of red. Let your nails dry fully, then, using a a dotting tool (tooth pick or pointy Q-tip will do the trick), dip the end in a white polish (even White Out works!) and apply polka dots in any design you wish! Wait several minutes for the dots to dry to apply a clear top coat. Too cute! We found this look at Clothes, Cosmetics and Chat.
3. Seeing Pink. Check out this mani mix by Dressed Up Nails. It’s as user friendly as it gets, but still makes a statement.
4. Over-The-Moon-In-Love Mani. My personal favorite style may seem like the most intricate and challenging style, but even a nail-art newbie like myself pulled this one off with ease. The Beauty Department created this tutorial and they’re ultra fab for giving in-depth tutorials. It’s your basic half-moon mani, but with nails strips underneath instead of polish. Here’s the Trend Hungry tutorial on the half-moon mani.
Now that you’ve seen our faves, show us what you’ll be rocking this V-day! Comment and share your own marvelous manis or Instagram a pic and tag #trendhungry or @trendhungryblog!