So one of the most stylish reads in the PHL thinks I’m stylish and worth following on Instagram. I’m so flattered to make the list and should have shared this a while ago. Philly Style included me on their 7 Stylish Philly Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following article.
Instagram happens to be my favorite social media platform at the moment (wrote a whole post on growing your Instagram following recently) so be sure to visit me over there. I often post blog sneak peeks, life snaps, quotes, and the occasional event invite or giveaway.
I’m in such good company on this stylish Philly list and love that my friends from Smak Parlour, Toile Atelier, and fellow blogging babe Chaucee from Streets & Stripes made the list. Thanks Philly Style for including me!
Come say hi to me on Instagram —> @JessieHoleva!