Judging by these last 1,2,3 blog posts you may think I have a thing for flannel. That’s because I do! Comfy, casual, can be dressed up, and it’s ideal for layering — I can’t think of a reason not to love a flannel button-down shirt. Here are three ways I’ve been wearing my latest flannel addition. Full blog posts linked below.
Are you feeling flannel as much as me? Comment below and share your stylish take on this trend.
For more of these style pics + tips+ outfit details see the full blog posts —> { 3 Tips To Dressing Warm } { Flannel Gets Fancy } { Winter Accessories }
{ Dare To Wear } a blog series dedicated to “dare to wear” the same thing three ways. If you’re gonna buy it, you better be able to wear it at least three ways, right? Photos by Audrey Gallagher.