When the Philadelphia Inquirer fashion columnist asks you to speak to her Fashion Journalism class you say when. And that’s what happened. The lovely Elizabeth Wellington asked me to come talk to her students at Philadelphia University about fashion blogging. It was such an honor to share my story, lessons learned, and explain how starting this blog changed my life (for real, it really did, and I’m SO grateful for it!!). I spoke from the heart and the top of my head while students tweeted some of my dream-chasing nuggets. Read a few below and check out this Ellen-style selfie we took.

Thank you so much to the Philly U Fashion Journalism students and Elizabeth Wellington for having me! Meeting passionate people always inspires me and I hope this inspires you to go to the beat of your own stylish drum. No career is perfect and nothing worth doing is easy so go after what you want, even if you don’t know exactly how to get there.

Have you thought of starting a blog or do you have a blog? Do tell in the comments below!


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