My blog photog, she’s so rad. Her name is Audrey. She is super cool, creative, genuine, goodhearted, fun, fabulous, and I am SO beyond happy to know her!  We’ve been collaborating for way more than a minute and it’s been such a blast. Before her, I didn’t even know that I ever wanted to do outfit posts. That changed once we shot together and it’s been a monthly date ever since.

Audrey isn’t only a dream to work with (it doesn’t feel like work with her!!), she’s become my friend.  As the blog title says, this post involves the most thoughtful birthday present. I recently turned 28 and got a birthday text from Audrey, but unlike the others I received, this one had a YouTube link. It led me to this video, and a face of awe, and a huge smile, and teary eyes.

THANK YOU AUDREY!!! I’m SO incredibly touched by this video!!

I hope you enjoy watching it. It’s filled with lots of our silly photoshoot outtakes and positive words.  These sweet messages Audrey wrote for me made me feel so good. Not only did  I feel so loved by this gesture, it was a good reminder to not take myself too seriously and always be loving to myself. It’s something I know and practice, but it’s always good to reaffirm it. It’s so easy to be critical of ourselves or worry about what people think, especially when you are putting yourself out there (it comes with the blogging, TV, and even social-media territory).

 We are all special and unique so celebrate yourself and like she says at the end, “stay fabulous!”

{ Check out more of Audrey’s photos in the “Dare To Wear” blog column. }



i didnt know you shared this! Aw 🙂 <3


Love ya boo! You are the sweetest!! <3<3

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